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Missed registration deadline with a Swiss health insurance company - How is the penalty premium calculated?

Updated on February 21, 2025

You are new in Switzerland and would like to know what to consider when registering with a health insurance company? In the following article, we explain which deadlines apply and what is important when registering.

I'm new in Switzerland, do I need to have basic health insurance?

Yes - the compulsory basic insurance protects you in case of illness and maternity, among other things, and is mandatory for everyone. This means that every person living in Switzerland is obligated to take out this insurance within the first 3 months after arrival in Switzerland. This also applies to persons who are still insured abroad. The compulsory basic insurance includes the same benefits with every health insurance company. Only the deductible rate and the insurance model can be chosen by the insured.

In addition, no one can be rejected when signing up for basic insurance. Insurance companies can only reject applications for supplementary insurance, for which health declarations must often be filled out in advance. Contact us now and we will find the insurance suitable to you while handling all of your paperwork.

Who determines the premium amount?

In the case of basic insurance, the premium amount is not determined by the status of your health. Even if the insured person has a chronic illness, their premiums will usually not be higher than anyone else's. However, different premiums apply depending on the canton and age, so it all depends on where you live. Therefore, before you take out a basic insurance or think about changing your health insurance, it is worthwhile to make a premium comparison.

What has to be considered regarding the deadline?

The registration period of 3 months already starts from the date of issue of your certificate of residence. This is the day on which you register at the Residents' Registration Office. All members of a family, both adults and children, are insured individually. If you register in time, you will be insured from the date you take up residence. Thus, you must also pay the insurance premium retroactively from the date of entry. 

What happens if I miss the health insurance deadline?

If you disregard this obligation or do not register until after the deadline, insurance coverage is only guaranteed from the date of registration and any health costs incurred prior to this point in time will not be covered by the insurance. Penalty premiums will also be charged for any inexcusable delay. Thus, you would not benefit from the comprehensive insurance coverage from the moment you take up residence.

How is the penalty premium calculated in the basic insurance?

You take the number of days fom the date of entry to the date of submission of the application to the insurance company, and use it to determine the fine - exactly on the day and and varying on the insurance company. This amount is then doubled, and usually 30 to 50% of this sum is charged. The penaltry costs are added to your future premiums after the application is submitted. Note that this is note a retroactive payment - you are not insured retroactively.

Example: You entered on June 1st and were supposed to register with a health insurance company by August 31st. You missed this deadline. On September 10th, an application was submitted to the health insurance company with a basic insurance premium of CHF 300. Thus, it is 3 months and 10 days after the entry date, so this would be a total premium amount of CHF 1'000. This is then multiplied by 2, resulting in CHF 2'000, and you pay 30% of this, i.e., CHF 600. This amount is then spread over the future premiums, which are payable from September 10th onward.

You have missed the registration deadline and need help with the further procedure? We are happy to help you find the right insurance for your specific needs with the lowest possible penalty.

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Evgeniy Timoshenko

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